Practical Well Log Standards |
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Progress Report (June 2002)
Progress Report (Nov. 2001)
Project description as PowerPoint slide presentations
Organizational meeting information for Phases I and II
Phase I reference information
This project is working to establish standards for the creation of clearly labeled well log data sets that are accessible to a wide range of E&P professionals. This project leverages previous work, including other POSC standards.
Log data consumers are overwhelmed with the amount of data they are receiving. Currently there are over 50,000 different types of well log curves (or traces); yet, most will agree that the number of useful types of well log curves is somewhere in the neighborhood of 500. Additionally, well log curve names are complex and are changing at an ever-increasing rate; even the petrophysicists can get confused!This presents several problems for data loading and acquisition, including these:
The result of this confusion can be lost data, lost information, lost time, and lost revenue.
The establishment of practical well log standards can save companies money through:
- Preparatory Phase II meetings
- London (January 31, 2001)
- Houston (February 15, 2001)
- Original Phase II fact sheet information
- A project meeting in June 2001 in Houston
- A progress report was published in November 2001
- Regional Special Interest group meetings were held in the spring of 2002 in Stavanger, Aberdeen, and Houston
- A progress report was published in June 2002
The next set meetings are tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2002 in at least the same three locations as in the spring. These meeting are intended to cover the following items:
Earlier Project Results
Classification system reconsideration
The anticipated industry benefits from this project include the following:
Participants and interested parties are asked to review the Phase IId working materials from June 2002 describing the current proposal for classifying composited and interpreted curves. Please send comments and suggestions to POSC at
Last modified: October 8, 2002. Send questions and comments to
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