Energistics RESQML v1.1 Data Schema Files

This file and all of the files associated with this version of the RESQML Data Schema can be downloaded via a Zip file. This document describes the file content of folder ./resqml_v1.0.0_data/ in the zip structure. Folder ./abstract_v1.0/ contains a required abstract schema which is used across multiple Energistics domains.

File ./doc/RESQML_schema_overview.html represents the browsable overview documentation.

Normative Files

The normative data schema specification consists of the following files.

and the content of files:

This schema is dependent on three other schemas:

Variant Schemas

The following files represent generated variants of the normative data schemas. These files are only normative when used within the context of a web service. The PRODML GDA should use the read schemas while the WITSML API will use the read, write and update schemas.

Read Schemas

The generated read schema files are a copy of the normative files except that all elements and attributes are optional. Just as in SQL, mandatory data is not required to be requested. If used within a WITSML web service, these schema files must represent the XMLout response from the WITSML WMLS_GetFromStore method.

Write Schemas

The generated write schema files are a copy of the normative files except that some unique identifier attributes have had their optionality changed. If used within a WITSML web service, these schema files must represent the XMLin input to the WITSML WMLS_AddToStore method.

Update Schemas

The generated update schema files are a copy of the normative files with all elements and attributes optional except that all unique identifier attributes and uom attributes are mandatory. If used within a WITSML web service, these schema files must represent the XMLin input to the WITSML WMLS_UpdateInStore method.

Delete Schemas

The generated delete schema files are a copy of the normative files with all elements and attributes optional except that all object and parentage uids are mandatory. If used within a WITSML web service, these schema files must represent the QueryIn input to the WITSML WMLS_DeleteFromStore method.

Non-normative files

The following files are informative and are not part of the normative specification.

The following file is not normative but it contains a copy of normative data from the the enumValuesResqml.xml file. This schema file can be used as a substitute for the normative file for the purpose of XML validation of certain information from the enumValuesResqml.xml file.