PRODML Data Schema Overview

Version 2.0

The PRODML standard facilitates data exchange among the many software applications used in production operations, which helps promote interoperability and data integrity among these applications and improve workflow efficiency.

PRODML Schemas:


DasAcquisition data object

This object contains metadata about the DAS acquisition common to the various types of data acquired during the acquisition, which includes DAS measurement instrument data, fiber optical path, time zone, and core acquisition settings like pulse rate and gauge length, measurement start time and whether or not this was a triggered measurement
 DasAcquisition.xsd XSD XML

DtsInstalledSystem data object

The DTS Installed System contains pointers (Data Object References) to the Optical Path and DTS Instrument Box data objects which comprise the Installed System. Calibrations may also be attached to the Installed System.
 DtsInstalledSystem.xsd XSD XML

DtsInstrumentBox data object

The DTS Instrument Box object represents all the hardware equipment located at the site which is responsible for generating DTS measurements. The DTS Instrument Box is usually located next to the facility element for which DTS surveys are taken (a well or a pipeline, for example).
 DtsInstrumentBox.xsd XSD XML

DtsMeasurement data object

DTS measurements are obtained from a DTS Installed System, and can contain both the raw measurement and the interpreted temperature log curves. Both types are actually optional, depending on the situation and the requirements for that particular installation
 DtsMeasurement.xsd XSD XML

FiberOpticalPath data object

An optical path is a set of continuous optical waveguides that acts as a linear sensor, used to record temperature or acoustic or dynamic strain events along its length. It can be composed of one or more optical path components and has one termination. An optical path component could be a fiber segment, a connector, a splice, or a turnaround.
 FiberOpticalPath.xsd XSD XML

FluidAnalysis data object

The fluid analysis data object details the measurements made on fluid samples by a variety of laboratory tests separated into hydrocarbon and water analysis.
 FluidAnalysis.xsd XSD XML

FluidCharacterization data object

The fluid characterization data object describes the characteristics and properties of a fluid sample or fluid system under the conditions expected in a historical or future state. The characterization may be based on the measurements from one or more fluid samples, and usually (but not always) uses a specialized application that simulates fluid behavior.
 FluidCharacterization.xsd XSD XML

FluidSample data object

A fluid sample represents a small amount of fluid extracted from a parent fluid system. Each fluid sample is assigned a name, and a description of its source geologic feature, and other information like expected reservoir temperature, pressure, and gas-liquid ratio.
 FluidSample.xsd XSD XML

FluidSampleAcquisitionJob data object

The fluid sample acquisition job data object is used to describe the method, equipment, time, place and operating conditions for each fluid sample acquired. The sample acquisition job represents the operation to collect one or more fluid samples.
 FluidSampleAcquisitionJob.xsd XSD XML

FluidSampleContainer data object

Sample fluid containers represent the internal tool chambers (fixed or removable) and external sample bottles in which fluid samples are stored and transported. The information recorded for these containers may include their serial numbers, owner, make, model and identity as well as its capacity, metallurgy, service compatibility, fluid integrity capability, pressure and temperature ratings, last inspection date and transport certification.
 FluidSampleContainer.xsd XSD XML

FluidSystem data object

The fluid system data object was created to designate each distinct subsurface accumulation of economically significant fluids. This data object primarily serves to identify the source of one or more fluid samples and provides a connection to the geologic environment that contains it.
 FluidSystem.xsd XSD XML

ProductFlowModel data object

The Product Flow Model data-object can be used to define a directed graph of flow connections. The basic building block is a Unit which can be used to define the flow behavior of any facility (where the term facility represents any use of equipment to perform a function) such as a separator, a wellhead, a valve, a flow line.
 ProductFlowModel.xsd XSD XML

ProductVolume data object

The Product Volume Report can be used to report gas oil ratio (gor element) and gas liquid ratio (gasLiquidRatio element) values from (e.g.) a multi-phase flow meter, or to report the ratios within the measured flow of the combined oil, gas, and water product streams.
 ProductVolume.xsd XSD XML

ProductionOperation data object

Production Report enables the exchange of production operation data along the lines of a morning report for production operations. This object identifies the installation, and may contain data on crew, work hours, hse information and activities.
 ProductionOperation.xsd XSD XML

Report data object

A report object that can be used to (e.g.) detail a monthly production on a field.
 Report.xsd XSD XML

ReportingEntity data object

A reporting entity refers to a physical, organizational or geographic subject that production data is reported against. Examples include wells, fields, leases, business units, countries or states.
 ReportingEntityModel.xsd XSD XML

ReportingHierarchy data object

The reporting hierarchy is similar to a structure by which a report is organized.
 ReportingEntityModel.xsd XSD XML

SimpleProductVolume data object

The Simple Product Volume capability is a standard which aims to cover the minimum requirements for volume reporting.
 SimpleProductVolume.xsd XSD XML
This object is not top-level.

TimeSeriesData data object

The Time Series data-object describes a context free, time based series of measurement data for the purpose of targeted exchanges between consumers and providers of data services.
 TimeSeriesData.xsd XSD XML

TimeSeriesStatistic data object

The time series statistic object has elements to define the minimum and maximum time values, between which the data statistics apply. This is followed by a set of statistical data applying to the time series data, like (e.g.) minimum, maximum, sum, mean, median or standard deviation.
 TimeSeriesStatistic.xsd XSD XML

WellTest data object

The Welltest data-object is a standalone object for exchanging well tests of certain types, specifically Production Test Data, Injection Test Data and Fluid Level Test.
 WellTest.xsd XSD XML

WftRun data object

This object deals with the data generated by Wireline Formation Tester (WFT) wireline tools where run refers to a wireline run into the wellbore with the tool, generally collecting time series pressure transient data and/or fluid samples from multiple intervals of the wellbore.
 WftRun.xsd XSD XML