-<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/1series" version="">
 Energistics License Agreement
	This file is distributed under the Energistics License Agreement at
	Use of this file constitutes agreement with the Energistics License Agreement.
	Copyright (c) 2012 Energistics. All rights reserved.
	Energistics, WITSML, PRODML and RESQML are trademarks or registered trademarks of Energistics.
 <xsd:include schemaLocation="cs_extensionNameValue.xsd"/>
 <xsd:include schemaLocation="attgrp_uid.xsd"/>
-<xsd:complexType name="cs_qualifier">
 <xsd:documentation>WITSML - lithology qualifier Component Schema</xsd:documentation>
-<xsd:element name="type" type="witsml:QualifierType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>The type of qualifier.</xsd:documentation>
-<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
-<xsd:element name="mdTop" type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>The measured depth at the top of the interval represented by the qualifier. This must be within the range of the parent geologic interval. If mdTop and mdBottom are not given then the qualifier is deemed to exist over the depth range of the parent geologyInterval.</xsd:documentation>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.1, By-issue=141rc-146, Change=Modified-description</xsd:appinfo>
-<xsd:element name="mdBottom" type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>The measured depth at the bottom of the interval represented by the qualifier. A point can be indicated by specifying bottom=top. This must be within the range of the parent geologic interval.</xsd:documentation>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.1, By-issue=141rc-145, Change=Made-mandatory</xsd:appinfo>
-<xsd:element name="abundance" type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>The relative abundance of the qualifier estimated based on a "visual area" basis by inspecting the cuttings spread out on the shaker table prior to washing, or in the sample tray after washing. This represents the upper bound of the observed range, and is in the following increments at the upper bound. 1 = less than or equal to 1%, 2 = greater than or equal to 1 and less than 2%, 5 = greater than or equal to 2 and less than 5% and then in 5% increments, 10 (=5-10%), 15 (=10-15%) up to 100(=95-100%). The end user can then elect to either display the %, or map then to an operator specific term or coding, i.e. 1 less then or equal to 1%=Rare Trace, or occasional, or very sparse etc., depending on the the end users' terminology.) </xsd:documentation>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.1, By-issue=W-CR-043, Change=Modified-description</xsd:appinfo>
-<xsd:element name="abundanceCode" type="witsml:kindString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>DEPRECATED. This prior useage for a specific terminology is suggested to no longer be used, as the intent should be to avoid encoding proprietary terms. But, for the sake of interoperability, proprietary descriptive use of a specific term for a percentage, should be derived from the abundance % by the end users' visualization application, using the end users' terminology. (i.e. if 1 less than or equal to 1% = Rare Trace or equivalent terminology for the specific operator; this can be mapped in the end user application, but is redundant to be encoded in the standard.)</xsd:documentation>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.1, By-issue=W-CR-043, Change=Deprecated</xsd:appinfo>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.1, By-issue=W-CR-043, Change=Modified-description</xsd:appinfo>
-<xsd:element name="description" type="witsml:descriptionString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xsd:documentation>A textual description of the qualifier.</xsd:documentation>
-<xsd:element name="extensionNameValue" type="witsml:cs_extensionNameValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 <xsd:documentation>Extensions to the schema based on a name-value construct.</xsd:documentation>
 <xsd:appinfo>Modified-in-version=1.4.0, By-issue=1.3.1-71, Change=Added </xsd:appinfo>
-<xsd:attributeGroup ref="witsml:attgrp_uid">
 <xsd:documentation>Unique identifier for the lithology qualifier.</xsd:documentation>