-<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/witsmlv2" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="2.0">
 Energistics License Agreement
			This file is distributed under the Energistics Product License Agreement at
			Use of this file constitutes agreement with the Energistics Product License Agreement.
			Copyright (c) 2016 Energistics. All rights reserved.
			Energistics, WITSML, PRODML and RESQML are trademarks or registered trademarks of Energistics.
 <xs:documentation>Trajectory Schema.</xs:documentation>
 <xs:import namespace="http://www.energistics.org/energyml/data/commonv2" schemaLocation="../../../common/v2.1/xsd_schemas/EmlAllObjects.xsd"/>
 <xs:include schemaLocation="WitsmlCommon.xsd"/>
 <xs:include schemaLocation="Log.xsd"/>
 <xs:include schemaLocation="ToolErrorModel.xsd"/>
 <xs:include schemaLocation="Wellbore.xsd"/>
 <xs:include schemaLocation="Well.xsd"/>
 <xs:element name="Trajectory" type="witsml:Trajectory" substitutionGroup="eml:AbstractDataObject"/>
-<xs:complexType name="Trajectory">
 <xs:documentation>The trajectory object is used to capture information about a directional survey in a wellbore. It contains many trajectory stations to capture the information about individual survey points. This object is uniquely identified within the context of one wellbore object.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:extension base="eml:AbstractObject">
-<xs:element name="GrowingStatus" type="witsml:ChannelStatus" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Describes the growing status of the trajectory, whether active, inactive or closed</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DTimTrajStart" type="eml:TimeStamp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Start date and time of trajectory station measurements. Note that this is NOT a server query parameter.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DTimTrajEnd" type="eml:TimeStamp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>End date and time of trajectory station measurements. Note that this is NOT a server query parameter.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MdMn" type="witsml:MeasuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Minimum measured depth of this object. This is an API "structural-range" query parameter for growing objects. See the relevant API specification for the query behavior related to this element.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MdMx" type="witsml:MeasuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Maximum measured depth of this object. This is an API "structural-range" query parameter for growing objects. See the relevant API specification for the query behavior related to this element.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="ServiceCompany" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Name of contractor who provided the service.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagDeclUsed" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Magnetic declination used to correct a Magnetic North referenced azimuth to a True North azimuth. Magnetic declination angles are measured positive clockwise from True North to Magnetic North (or negative in the anti-clockwise direction). To convert a Magnetic azimuth to a True North azimuth, the magnetic declination should be added. Starting value if stations have individual values.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GridConUsed" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Magnetic declination (convergence) used to correct a Magnetic North referenced azimuth to a True North azimuth. Magnetic declination angles are measured positive clockwise from True North to Magnetic North (or negative in the anti-clockwise direction). To convert a Magnetic azimuth to a True North azimuth, the magnetic declination should be added. Starting value if stations have individual values.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="AziVertSect" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Azimuth used for vertical section plot/computations.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DispNsVertSectOrig" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Origin north-south used for vertical section plot/computations.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DispEwVertSectOrig" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Origin east-west used for vertical section plot/computations.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Definitive" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>True ("true" or "1") indicates that this trajectory is definitive for this wellbore. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates otherwise. There can only be one trajectory per wellbore with definitive=true and it must define the geometry of the whole wellbore (surface to bottom). The definitive trajectory may represent a composite of information in many other trajectories. A query requesting a subset of the possible information can provide a simplistic view of the geometry of the wellbore.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Memory" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Is trajectory a result of a memory dump from a tool? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="FinalTraj" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Is trajectory a final or intermediate/preliminary? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="AziRef" type="witsml:AziRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Specifies the definition of north. While this is optional because of legacy data, it is strongly recommended that this always be specified.</xs:documentation>
 <xs:element name="TrajectoryStation" type="witsml:TrajectoryStation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
 <xs:element name="Wellbore" type="eml:DataObjectReference" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="ParentTrajectory" type="eml:DataObjectReference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
-<xs:element name="part_TrajectoryStation" type="witsml:TrajectoryStation">
 <xs:documentation>Wrapper for sending individual stations using ETP.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:simpleType name="AziRef">
 <xs:documentation>Reference to the azimuth of the trajectory</xs:documentation>
-<xs:restriction base="eml:TypeEnum">
-<xs:enumeration value="magnetic north">
 <xs:documentation>The north direction as defined by Magnetic North Pole at the time of the measurement. The Magnetic North Pole is the direction that a magnet points to when freely rotating.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="grid north">
 <xs:documentation>The north direction is defined by the coordinate grid in the projection coordinate system.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="true north">
 <xs:documentation>The north direction as defined by the true North Pole. The true North Pole is an average of the actual measured north axis, which is the axis of rotation of the earth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="TrajectoryStation">
 <xs:documentation>WITSML - Trajectory Station Component Schema</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="ManuallyEntered" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether the trajectory station information was manually entered by a human.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Target" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>A pointer to the intended target of this station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DTimStn" type="eml:TimeStamp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Date and time the station was measured or created.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="TypeTrajStation" type="witsml:TrajStationType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Type of survey station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="TypeSurveyTool" type="witsml:TypeSurveyTool" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>The type of tool used for the measurements.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="CalcAlgorithm" type="witsml:TrajStnCalcAlgorithm" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>The type of algorithm used in the position calculation.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Md" type="witsml:MeasuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Measured depth of measurement from the drill datum. This is an API "node-index" query parameter for growing objects. See the relevant API specification for the query behavior related to this element.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Tvd" type="witsml:WellVerticalDepthCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Vertical depth of the measurements.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Incl" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Hole inclination, measured from vertical.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Azi" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Hole azimuth. Corrected to wells azimuth reference.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Mtf" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Toolface angle (magnetic).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Gtf" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Toolface angle (gravity).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DispNs" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>North-south offset, positive to the North. This is relative to wellLocation with a North axis orientation of aziRef. If a displacement with respect to a different point is desired then define a localCRS and specify local coordinates in location.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DispEw" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>East-west offset, positive to the East. This is relative to wellLocation with a North axis orientation of aziRef. If a displacement with respect to a different point is desired then define a localCRS and specify local coordinates in location.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VertSect" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Distance along vertical section azimuth plane.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="Dls" type="eml:AnglePerLengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Dogleg severity.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="RateTurn" type="eml:AnglePerLengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Turn rate, radius of curvature computation.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="RateBuild" type="eml:AnglePerLengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Build Rate, radius of curvature computation.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MdDelta" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Delta measured depth from previous station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="TvdDelta" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Delta true vertical depth from previous station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTotalUncert" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Survey tool gravity uncertainty.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DipAngleUncert" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Survey tool dip uncertainty.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTotalUncert" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Survey tool magnetic uncertainty.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravAccelCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was an accelerometer alignment correction applied to survey computation? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagXAxialCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was a magnetometer alignment correction applied to survey computation? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="SagCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was a bottom hole assembly sag correction applied to the survey computation? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagDrlstrCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was a drillstring magnetism correction applied to survey computation? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="InfieldRefCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was an In Field Referencing (IFR) correction applied to the azimuth value? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). An IFR survey measures the strength and direction of the Earth's magnetic field over the area of interest. By taking a geomagnetic modelled values away from these field survey results, we are left with a local crustal correction, which since it is assumed geological in nature, only varies over geological timescales. For MWD survey operations, these corrections are applied in addition to the geomagnetic model to provide accurate knowledge of the local magnetic field and hence to improve the accuracy of MWD magnetic azimuth measurements.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="InterpolatedInfieldRefCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was an Interpolated In Field Referencing (IIFR) correction applied to the azimuth value? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). Interpolated In Field Referencing measures the diurnal Earth magnetic field variations resulting from electrical currents in the ionosphere and effects of magnetic storms hitting the Earth. It increases again the accuracy of the magnetic azimuth measurement.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="InHoleRefCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was an In Hole Referencing (IHR) correction applied to the inclination and/or azimuth values? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). In-Hole Referencing essentially involves comparing gyro surveys to MWD surveys in a tangent section of a well. Once a small part of a tangent section has been drilled and surveyed using an MWD tool, then an open hole (OH) gyro is run. By comparing the Gyro surveys to the MWD surveys a correction can be calculated for the MWD. This correction is then assumed as valid for the rest of the tangent section allowing to have a near gyro accuracy for the whole section, therefore reducing the ellipse of uncertainty (EOU) size.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="AxialMagInterferenceCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was an Axial Magnetic Interference (AMI) correction applied to the azimuth value? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). Most of the BHAs used to drill wells include an MWD tool. An MWD is a magnetic survey tool and as such suffer from magnetic interferences from a wide variety of sources. Magnetic interferences can be categorized into axial and radial type interferences. Axial interferences are mainly the result of magnetic poles from the drill string steel components located below and above the MWD tool. Radial interferences are numerous. Therefore, there is a risk that magXAxialCorUsed includes both Axial and radial corrections.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="CosagCorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>WWas a Cosag Correction applied to the azimuth values? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). The BHA Sag Correction is the same as the Sag Correction except it includes the horizontal misalignment (Cosag).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MSACorUsed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Was a correction applied to the survey due to a Multi-Station Analysis process? Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0").</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTotalFieldReference" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Gravitational field theoretical/reference value.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTotalFieldReference" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Geomagnetic field theoretical/reference value.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagDipAngleReference" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Magnetic dip angle theoretical/reference value.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagModelUsed" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Geomagnetic model used.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagModelValid" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Current valid interval for the geomagnetic model used.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GeoModelUsed" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Gravitational model used.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="StatusTrajStation" type="witsml:TrajStationStatus" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Status of the station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="ExtensionNameValue" type="eml:ExtensionNameValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 <xs:documentation>Extensions to the schema based on a name-value construct.</xs:documentation>
 <xs:element name="Valid" type="witsml:StnTrajValid" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="MatrixCov" type="witsml:StnTrajMatrixCov" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="Location" type="witsml:AbstractWellLocation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
 <xs:element name="SourceStation" type="witsml:RefWellboreTrajectoryStation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="RawData" type="witsml:StnTrajRawData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="CorUsed" type="witsml:StnTrajCorUsed" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
 <xs:element name="IscwsaToolErrorModel" type="eml:DataObjectReference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
-<xs:attribute name="uid" use="required" type="eml:String64">
 <xs:documentation>A unique identifier for an instance of a trajectory station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:simpleType name="TrajStationType">
 <xs:documentation>Specifies the type of directional survey station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:restriction base="eml:TypeEnum">
-<xs:enumeration value="azimuth on plane">
 <xs:documentation>Section terminates at a given azimuth on a given plane target; requires target ID.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate to delta-MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate to a specified delta measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate to INCL">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate to a specified inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate to MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate to a specified measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to delta-MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified delta measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to INCL">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to INCL and AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified inclination and azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate and turnrate to TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate and turn rate to a specified TVD.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="buildrate TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given build rate to a specified TVD.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="casing MD">
 <xs:documentation>Measured depth casing point; can also be inserted within actual survey stations. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="casing TVD">
 <xs:documentation>TVD casing point; can also be inserted within actual survey stations.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to AZI and MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity to a specified measured depth and azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to AZI-TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity until a specified TVD and azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to INCL">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity until a specified inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to INCL and AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity to a specified inclination and azimuth. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to INCL and MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity to a specified measured depth and inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to INCL and TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity until a specified TVD and inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS to NS">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given dogleg severity for a given north, south distance.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to delta-MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified delta measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to INCL">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to INCL-AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified inclination and azimuth. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="DLS and toolface to TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given toolface angle and dogleg severity to a specified TVD. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="formation MD">
 <xs:documentation>Measured depth formation; can be inserted within actual survey stations also .</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="formation TVD">
 <xs:documentation>TVD formation; can be inserted within actual survey stations also.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="hold to delta-MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section holds angle and azimuth to a specified delta measured depth. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="hold to MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section holds angle and azimuth to a specified measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="hold to TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section holds angle and azimuth to a specified TVD. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="INCL AZI and TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a continuous curve to a specified inclination, azimuth and true vertical depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="interpolated">
 <xs:documentation>Derived by interpolating between stations with entered values (either planned or surveyed).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="marker MD">
 <xs:documentation>Measured depth marker; can be inserted within actual survey stations also.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="marker TVD">
 <xs:documentation>TVD marker; can be inserted within actual survey stations also.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="MD and INCL">
 <xs:documentation>An old style drift indicator by Totco / inclination-only survey. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="MD INCL and AZI">
 <xs:documentation>A normal MWD / gyro survey. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="N E and TVD">
 <xs:documentation>A point on a computed trajectory with northing, easting and true vertical depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="NS EW and TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Specified as TVD, NS, EW; could be used for point or drilling target (non-geological target).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="target center">
 <xs:documentation>Specified as TVD, NS, EW of target center; requires target ID association.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="target offset">
 <xs:documentation>Specified as TVD, NS, EW of target offset; requires target ID association.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="tie in point">
 <xs:documentation>Tie-in point for the survey.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="turnrate to AZI">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given turn rate to an azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="turnrate to delta-MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given turn rate to a given delta measured depth. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="turnrate to MD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given turn rate to a given measured depth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="turnrate to TVD">
 <xs:documentation>Section follows a given turn rate to a given TVD.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="unknown">
 <xs:documentation>The value is not known. Avoid using this value. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:simpleType name="TypeSurveyTool">
 <xs:documentation>Specifies values for the type of directional survey tool; a very generic classification. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:restriction base="eml:TypeEnum">
 <xs:enumeration value="gyroscopic inertial"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="gyroscopic MWD"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="gyroscopic north seeking"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="magnetic multiple-shot"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="magnetic MWD"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="magnetic single-shot"/>
-<xs:simpleType name="TrajStnCalcAlgorithm">
 <xs:documentation>Specifies the trajectory station calculation algorithm. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:restriction base="eml:TypeEnum">
 <xs:enumeration value="average angle"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="balanced tangential"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="constant tool face"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="custom"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="inertial"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="minimum curvature"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="radius of curvature"/>
 <xs:enumeration value="tangential"/>
-<xs:simpleType name="TrajStationStatus">
 <xs:documentation>Specifies the status of a trajectory station. </xs:documentation>
-<xs:restriction base="eml:TypeEnum">
-<xs:enumeration value="open">
 <xs:documentation>Has not been validated; does not influence position computation for stations below it.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="rejected">
 <xs:documentation>The quality is not ok; does not influence position computation for stations below it.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:enumeration value="position">
 <xs:documentation>Validated and in-use.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="StnTrajRawData">
 <xs:documentation>Captures raw data for a trajectory station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravAxialRaw" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected gravitational field strength measured in the axial direction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTran1Raw" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected gravitational field strength measured in the transverse direction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTran2Raw" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected gravitational field strength measured in the transverse direction, approximately normal to tran1.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagAxialRaw" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected magnetic field strength measured in the axial direction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran1Raw" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected magnetic field strength measured in the transverse direction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran2Raw" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Uncorrected magnetic field strength measured in the transverse direction, approximately normal to tran1.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="StnTrajCorUsed">
 <xs:documentation>Captures information about corrections applied to a trajectory station.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravAxialAccelCor" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated gravitational field strength correction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTran1AccelCor" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>The correction applied to a cross-axial (direction 1) component of the Earth's gravitational field.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTran2AccelCor" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>The correction applied to a cross-axial (direction 2) component of the Earth's gravitational field.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagAxialDrlstrCor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Axial magnetic drill string correction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran1DrlstrCor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Cross-axial (direction 1) magnetic correction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran2DrlstrCor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Cross-axial (direction 2) magnetic correction.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran1MSACor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Cross-axial (direction 1) magnetic correction due to a multi-station analysis process.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTran2MSACor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Cross-axial (direction 2) magnetic correction due to a multi-station analysis process.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagAxialMSACor" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Axial magnetic correction due to a multi-station analysis process.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="SagIncCor" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated sag correction to the inclination.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="SagAziCor" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated cosag correction to the azimuth.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="StnMagDeclUsed" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Magnetic declination used to correct a Magnetic North referenced azimuth to a True North azimuth. Magnetic declination angles are measured positive clockwise from True North to Magnetic North (or negative in the anti-clockwise direction). To convert a Magnetic azimuth to a True North azimuth, the magnetic declination should be added.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="StnGridConUsed" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Magnetic declination used to correct a Magnetic North referenced azimuth to a True North azimuth. Magnetic declination angles are measured positive clockwise from True North to Magnetic North (or negative in the anti-clockwise direction). To convert a Magnetic azimuth to a True North azimuth, the magnetic declination should be added.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="DirSensorOffset" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Offset relative to the bit.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="StnTrajValid">
 <xs:documentation>Captures validation information for a survey.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagTotalFieldCalc" type="eml:MagneticFluxDensityMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated total intensity of the geomagnetic field as sum of BGGM, IFR and local field.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="MagDipAngleCalc" type="eml:PlaneAngleMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated magnetic dip (inclination), the angle between the horizontal and the geomagnetic field (positive down, res .001).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="GravTotalFieldCalc" type="eml:LinearAccelerationMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Calculated total gravitational field.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="StnTrajMatrixCov">
 <xs:documentation>Captures validation information for a covariance matrix.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceNN" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Covariance north north.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceNE" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Crossvariance north east.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceNVert" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Crossvariance north vertical.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceEE" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Covariance east east.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceEVert" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Crossvariance east vertical.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="VarianceVertVert" type="eml:AreaMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Covariance vertical vertical.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="BiasN" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Bias north.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="BiasE" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Bias east.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="BiasVert" type="eml:LengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>Bias vertical. The coordinate system is set up in a right-handed configuration, which makes the vertical direction increasing (i.e., positive) downwards.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:complexType name="RefWellboreTrajectoryStation">
 <xs:documentation>A reference to a trajectoryStation in a wellbore. The trajectoryStation may be defined within the context of another wellbore. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="StationReference" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>A pointer to the trajectoryStation within the parent trajectory. StationReference is a special case where WITSML only uses a UID for the pointer.The natural identity of a station is its physical characteristics (e.g., md).</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="TrajectoryParent" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>A pointer to the trajectory within the parent wellbore. This trajectory contains the trajectoryStation.</xs:documentation>
-<xs:element name="WellboreParent" type="eml:String64" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
 <xs:documentation>A pointer to the wellbore that contains the trajectory. WellboreParent is not needed unless the trajectory is outside the context of a common parent wellbore.</xs:documentation>