Energistics CTO Jay Hollingsworth was recognized by his peers during the awards ceremony at the closing of PNEC 2019 in Houston, May 21-22.
"For his enthusiastic thought leadership and advocacy to expand application of data management principles and data standards as they contribute to operational upstream O&G objectives.
For sharing his knowledge and active engagement with others in the petroleum data management profession."
This followed on Jay's well-received "part 3" of his series of talks on trust in data, given at 8:30 that same day, titled "Trustworthy to Trusted: Building Data Consumers' Confidence In Your Data Assets"
You can re-live Jay's signature presentations on trust in data given at PNEC 2017, PNEC 2018 and PNEC 2019 in a series of webinars. The first one was held May 23rd, the second one is scheduled for June 27th and the third one will take place in July, date to be determined. Recordings of these webinars will be in our website's Library.