The WITSML, PRODML and RESQML schemas provide the definition for standard data exchange formats. To simplify development, Energistics hosts some development tools that were either contributed by member companies or developed by Energistics.
The Standards DevKit
The Standards Devkit removes the complexity of using the Energistics standards and lets the developer concentrate on the important work of integrating the standards into their business solution. The Standards Devkit wraps the WITSML, PRODML and RESQML schemas with Microsoft .NET objects.
FESAPI™ by F2I-Consulting
This API was initially developed for RESQML, and is now under the process of expanding to WITSML and PRODML. See more information related to FESAPI here.
Test Datasets
Members of the Energistics Consortium have a password-protected access to some test datasets made available by other members, for the purpose of testing software products against real data. Small sample data are sometimes available on the Developers & Users pages of the respective standards. One test dataset is publicly available: the Equinor Volve field decommissioned in 2018. Learn more here.