The Energistics Consortium, an affiliate of The Open Group®, has published a brochure titled “Realizing Business Value from WITSML v2.1 and ETP v1.2.” The purpose of the brochure is to highlight new technical features and explain how those features help organizations solve business problems and improve operations in their drilling, completions, and interventions workflows.
To download the brochure from The Open Group Library, click here.
Energistics Technical Lead for WITSML and ETP and Bardasz CTO Mark Farnan said, “WITSML™ v2.1 and ETP v1.2 were developed by Energistics members based on requirements specified by operators to address operational and business challenges they have related to capturing, managing, transferring, and using their drilling and well-related data. In general, the requirements focus on improved: IT security; operational efficiency, including fast, reliable real-time streaming; data quality and data management; and compatibility with The Open Group OSDU® Data Platform. We created this document to highlight the new features and make it clear how they help to solve those business problems and can deliver the promised value.”
The content of the document was originally developed by member company Bardasz and contributed to the Energistics Consortium to help with marketing and adoption of these latest versions of Energistics standards.
Energistics Board of Directors member and Bardasz CEO Pablo Perez explained that there is so much significant new and improved functionality in these latest versions that it was vital to bring the information together in one document and to share that document with the Energistics community and the industry.
To help with adoption of these latest versions, Energistics members are also actively developing a Certification Program for ETP v1.2 and relevant data models, such as WITSML v2.1 and RESQML™ v2.2. The Program includes development of a Certification Testing Tool that will be used to test ETP v1.2 servers for compliance with the ETP Specification.
To find out how you can get involved in the certification effort, reach out on the Energistics Certification Slack channel, or send an email to energisticsinfo@opengroup.org.
About Energistics
Energistics, a global, non-profit consortium, and affiliate of The Open Group, is a leading upstream oil and gas industry data standards body. Our mission is to bring together industry professionals in a neutral and collaborative environment, to develop and deploy open data transfer standards in the oil and gas ecosystem. Our members consist of international and national oil companies, oilfield service companies, hardware and software vendors, system integrators, regulatory agencies, and the global standards user community. For more information, visit our website at https://energistics.org/.
About The Open Group
The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. Our diverse membership of more than 925 organizations includes customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators, academics, and consultants across multiple industries. Further information on The Open Group can be found at www.opengroup.org.