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29 August 2018

EPSG Version 9.5 has been released August 29 2018. It replaces version 9.4 dated May 29 2018 and includes the revisions made only in the on-line registry in versions 9.4.1 and 9.4.2.

New to version 9.5 - August 29, 2018 (Registry including SQL download and Access)
  • Changes as documented in Change Records through 2018.049, but with actions still remaining on some change requests.
  • New data for Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, United States and US Virgin Islands.
  • Significant revision to data for Canada and former Yugoslavia (Boznia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia)
  • Minor revision to data for Algeria, China (Macao) and Guam.
  • For several coordinate operation methods the description of the formula has had use of atan versus atan2 functions clarified.
This information is sourced from the IOGP website, more here A description of the EPSG Dataset can be found at Energistics participates in the Geomatics group of IOGP.