Additional Information
RESQML Fundamentals Class 

Are you having trouble moving data among geoscience and reservoir engineering applications? Late last year, Energistics made the third release of its RESQML transfer standard, which addresses these problems.
Energistics announces the RESQML Fundamentals class to help you get started using RESQML and to incorporate it into your applications. This two-day class is designed for developers charged with implementing RESQML. Enterprise Architects and data managers would also benefit from this course.
Space is limited!
Registration: Contact Melissa Ray for registration information and payment, melissa.ray@energistics.opengroup.org
Volume Discount for 4+ Price $1195 ea. (contact Melissa Ray for processing & registration)Lunch is included in the price.
Course Objectives
- Understand underlying technologies for Energistics standards, particularly RESQML
- Understand the scope of RESQML features and functionality related to the data objects
- Understand concepts and functionality of using the Energistics Transfer Protocol with RESQML v2.0
- Learn how to leverage the two latest versions of RESQML
Course Agenda Day 1
- Standards 101 - architecture, development process/schedule
- Energistics Common Technical Architecture - technical foundation for all Energistics standards
- RESQML v2.0.1 Overview - usage patterns, architecture, data objects, new capabilities
- RESQML v2.0.1 Object Review – Earth features, interpretations, representations
Day 2
- RESQML v2.0.1 Object Review – continued
- RESQML 2.1 Overview – new features
- Energistics Transfer Protocol (ETP)
- Overview of ETP for RESQML v2.0
- RESQML validator tool
If you have any questions about the course, please contact Energistics at info@energistics.opengroup.org