FESAPI, developed by French consulting company F2I-Consulting in collaboration with energy companies, provides a simple API to use Energistics data classes in C++, C# or Java without needing to know in the underlying packaging, binary file systems or XML. This sharply reduces the time needed to develop these capabilities while ensuring better compliance with the the standards. The White Paper is available for reading and/or download here. The White Paper also describes an initiative to expand the scope of FESAPI involving international operators ExxonMobil and Total, and a software technology company Dynamic Graphics Inc. Other companies interested in supporting this initiative are welcome to join.
This API was initially developed for RESQML, and is now under the process of expanding to WITSML and PRODML.
- This project provides C++ classes which allow easy access for importing and exporting Energistics standards.
- Only RESQML v2.0.1 (including EPC) is currently supported but support for ETP, WITSML v2.0 and PRODML v2.0 are planned for the future.
- The C++ classes are constructed on top of gSOAP classes which allow easy XML serialization and deserialization.
- They are also associated to HDF5 libraries for importing and exporting numerical values into efficient binary files as the Energistics standards specify.
- Finally, this project comes with some SWIG wrappers in order to expose the C++ classes to .NET or JAVA applications (and perhaps other languages in the future such as Python, Javascript, etc.)
Access to FESAPI material is here. Source code and documentation, developed by F2I-Consulting, are provided “as is”, without any implied warranty of any kind. Anyone is free to use, modify and redistribute at their own risk. A white paper summarizes this information.
- This project provides RESQML import functionality to ParaView.
- This mainly enables the ability to easily display RESQML data in a well-known and robust 3D viewer.
- Because this plug-in basically converts RESQML data into VTK data, all ParaView filters can be used on imported RESQML data.
- This plug-in also provides a tree view of the content of an EPC document and can show metadata associated to RESQML data.
Access to FESPP is here. Source code and documentation, developed by F2I-Consulting, are provided “as is”, without any implied warranty of any kind. Anyone is free to use, modify and redistribute at their own risk.