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Welcome to the technical resources and the specifications for the ETP standard.  

  • This content is provided to help in the design, development and testing of software based on the ETP standard.  
  • The members of the WITSML Work Group have made a significant contribution to deliver ETP, as well as make available various tools to make it easier to build software based on ETP, test it and deploy it. 

Current Version: ETP v1.2

  • ETP v1.2 is the current version for new and upgraded production implementations.
  • Use with WITSML v1.4.1.1 or v2.0, PRODML v2.0 or v2.1 and/or RESQML v2.0.1 
  • ETP v1.2 is an update to the successful v1.1 release. It includes updates to the core, streaming data and discovery protocols based and updates to the streaming 
  • ETP v1.2 is not backward compatible with v1.1, meaning that v1.2 messages will not be valid v1.1 messages. 
  • ETP v1.1 (2016) is no longer actively supported.
  • ETP v1.0 (2014) is deprecated and support is not available.
  • The current Implementation Specification documents are available for download. Note: they are still the ones developed for ETP v1.1, updated versions will be made available when ready.

ETP downloads available

Standard  Link 
ETP v1.2 resource set – September 2021 
ETP v1.1 for WITSML v1.4.1.1 Implementation Specification – October 2017 Provides guidance for implementation of the Energistics Transfer Protocol with WITSML v2.0 schemas (also included in the Data Schema Specifications Standards Download file) 
ETP v1.1 for WITSML v2.0 Implementation Specification – October 2017 Provides guidance for implementation of the Energistics Transfer Protocol with WITSML v2.0 schemas (also included in the Data Schema Specifications Standards Download file)   

Resource Set 

Unless otherwise noted, these resources are located in the ETP v1.2 zip file. 

  Document/Resource  Description 
1.  ETP Specification  Defines content, messages and behaviors of ETP. 
2.  Energistics Identifier Specification  Describes rules and guidelines for Energistics identifiers. 
3.  ETP UML Data Model  The entire UML data model (used to design, document and produce schemas for ETP) that developers and architects can explore for better understanding of data objects, definitions, organization, and relationships.  Developed using Enterprise Architecture (EA) modeling software (version 12), the UML model exists as an XMI file.  Information about EA, including a free EA Lite reader, is available at the Sparx Systems website, 
4.  Schemas  Avro schemas as described in this document. 
5.  Developer resources  Bitbucket repository containing community-developed resources to assist in implementing ETP in various programming languages and platforms. These resources are not directly supported by Energistics but by members of the SIG communities. 

ETP Development Kit

The ETP DevKit provides a common foundation and basic infrastructure to simplify and standardize creating applications that transfer WITSML, PRODML and RESQML data via the Energistics Transfer Protocol. The updated ETP DevKit for ETP v1.2 is here.