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Welcome to the technical resources and the specifications for the WITSML standard.

  • This content is provided to help in the design, development and testing of software based on the WITSML™ standard.
  • The members of the WITSML Work Group contributed time and expertise to define each version of the standard, and provide various tools to make it easier to build software based on the standard, test it and deploy it.


Released in May 2022, WITSML™ v2.1 is the latest version of the standard. Currently, all Energistics data model standards (WITSML v2.1, PRODML v2.3, and RESQML v2.2)use the same version of Energistics common, v2.3.  

  • Must use the Energistics Transfer Protocol (ETP) v1.2 as the API for WITSML v2.1.
  • All new software development must be done using WITSML v2.1 and ETP v1.2.  (NOTE: A certification program is being developed for ETP v1.2 with a related data model, such as WITSML v2.1.)
  • Uses Energistics common v2.3 (which is included in the download package). (Energistics common is a set of data objects shared by all Energistics domain standards.)   
  • Includes XML schemas (XSD). JSON schemas will be added when available.
  • For a description of changes in v2.1, see the release notes in the download package. 




Download data schema specification package, which includes: 

  • XML schemas (XSD files) (normative)
  • JSON schemas (normative)
  • Non-normative files such as example data files and documentation  

NOTE: JSON schemas will be added to the download package when approved. 

Energistics Transfer Protocol (ETP) v1.2 is the API that you must use with WITSML v2.1. 




  • WITSML Version 2.0 was released in 2016; it is no longer recommended for implementation
  • WITSML Version 2.0 leverages the Energistics Common Technical Architecture (CTA)
  • Use with Energistics Transport Protocol v1.1

In v2.0, the main changes included:

  • A revised set of data objects. For a list, see Table 1 of the WITSML Technical Usage Guide*.
  • Replacement of the Web services with the Energistics Transfer Protocol (ETP), which is part of the Energistics CTA.
  • WITSML, v1.4.1.1, specified a set of 27 data object definitions and a Web services specification.

*The Technical Usage Guide describes each WITSML data object, including its business use and an overview of its design.




Browse the Data Schema Specifications - Overview, December 2016

<Data Schema>

Download Data Schema Specifications - December 2016 Includes the normative xsd and data files and the non-normative files such as example and style sheet files.

Download the ETP v1.1 for WITSML v2.0 Implementation Specification - October 2017 Provides guidance for implementation of the Energistics Transfer Protocol with WITSML v2.0 schemas (also included in the Data Schema Specifications Standards Download file)


WITSML Version History


The information provided here is for developers and users who are working with an existing system based on version and require resources for maintenance and operation. Version 2.0 should be used for new developments.



Browse the Data Schema Specifications (including depthRegImage) - July 2015 Includes the normative xsd and data files and the non-normative files such as example and style sheet files.

<Data Schema>

Download the API Specifications v1.4.1.1, July 2014 Includes the normative xsd and data files and the non-normative files such as example and style sheet files. The API specification has been updated for clarification purposes only. There is no change to behavior. Updates are identified in the Change History.

Download the ETP v1.1 for WITSML v1.4.1.1 Implementation Specification - October 2017 Provides guidance for implementation of the Energistics Transfer Protocol (protocols 0, 1) with WITSML v1.4.1.1 log only


This new data-object is compatible with WITSML v1.4.1.1 and PRODML v1.3. Details found here.


In addition to the API and schema specifications, a series of usage guides and other supporting documentation and tools are under development to help assist users and implementers.  This library will grow over time.




The current v1.4.1.1 Data Schema includes the RasterImage add-on. The RasterImage data object, known as depthRegImage in the schemas, was published in 2016, and it can be added to earlier v1.4.1.1 implementations; it is not a standalone data object. Follow these instructions to install the depthRegImage data object to a v1.4.1.1 implementation.

WITSML 1.3.1.

Version 1.3.1 is deprecated.  New production implementations should use Version 2.0.

WITSML Development Tools

The following developer kit and test data resources are available for developers:

  • The Standards DevKit wraps WITSML, RESQML and PRODML schemas with Microsoft .NET objects.
  • These sample WITSML XML data sets represent real world examples.
    • WITSML v1.4.1 data sets donated by Statoil (May 2016) - auto-download.
  • Equinor test data
    • Equinor has made available the entire data for the Volve field decommissioned in 2018.
    • Learn more here